Monday, May 14, 2012

My Eyebrow (anecdote)

Lately I've been wasting my time reading things other people wrote when today I realised, hey, I have a blog too. So I'll post something and waste my time here.

So lemme tell you folks about the time I once I shaved off my eyebrow.

It was an accident. I was this little kid who didn't know anything and was hanging out exploring the house, when I saw this razor on the bathroom counter. I didn't know what it was; I just thought, hey, what does this thing do?

For some reason the idea popped into my head that it was for hair removal, so I decided to try it on this inconspicuous little corner of my eyebrow because nobody really notices these things. I looked in the mirror to see if anything was missing.

"Nope," I said. "Nothing missing. This thing is broken."

So I tossed the razor on the counter and left. It wasn't even an electric razor. It was one of those cheap plastic things you get at convenience stores.

Anyway, my mom was walking by later, and when she saw my face she went:

So naturally I freaked out and I asked her

And after I told her what I had done she sat down and informed me solemnly that eyebrows never grow back and that I would be a social outcast forever and I might as well take her eyebrow pencil and draw in a new one, 'cause I would never see my eyebrow again.

Haha, just joking.

She didn't say anything, except that it was a stupid thing to do (I already knew that by then).

I spent weeks blubbering and praying it would grow back before school - and you know what? It grew back. True story!

And I never looked at my eyebrow again.

That is, until now. Just to check if it was still there.

(It is.)