Sunday, June 3, 2012

Books Are My Best Friends

I make lists when I'm bored, so I made one mentally the other day, of all my close friends.

And I realised something. No matter how long I've known them, how many secrets we've shared, or how much I like them, not one of my friends has come close to Books.

Books are my best friends.

Books make me laugh. When I'm with Books I forget everything and just enjoy our time together.

Books are honest with me, and tell me the truth. When I want to know something, I turn to Books. Lately I've been looking more to the Internet, but Books have been there for me longer.

Sometimes Books make me mad or upset, but I always get over it. I've never fought with Books (have you?)

I have my favorite Books in my room with me, the pages all worn and dog-eared, and when I want to I just flip to my favorite pages and read my favorite scenes and passages, over and over. I've memorised all the words.

My friends sometimes borrow Books from me, and I miss them badly until they return.

Books are kind to me, and take me to faraway places. We travel everywhere, through time and space and reality. Books are silly, serious, and strange at the same time.

Books are diverse, and beautiful. Sometimes Books can be vulgar or disgusting or rude, but I love them all the same.

Books will always be there for me. People change, the times change, but Books will never change.

Wouldn't it be great if people could be like Books?